Sunday, 30 June 2013


Royal College of Art Students' show took place, in full creative extravaganza, after the convocation at the Royal Albert Hall (!!!) with special guests Christopher Bailey, CEO Burberry (with other former students) and artist Cindy Sherman. 

Convocation, at Royal Albert Hall

As I went to explore the variety and inspiration, I was a bit put off by the fact that it was mainly visual.Very few artists used sound. Only one used smell: Designer Sofie Boons, who incorporates scents and jewellery, inviting to a new experience of both jewels and perfume.

Scent & Jewellery Designer Sofie Boons. 

I was very impressed (and proud!) by her work and the lab-setting she chose. I came across Sofie's great talent as she attended the first edition of my Design With Scents course at Kingston last year. I am sure she has a scented path ahead.

Space contains air and air can be designed, with scent as the media. I wish more artists (and teachers), especially in the Fine Art course, will soon start to use it.

